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Patient Safety Guide for Daily Use and Emergency Events

How to Make your home safe, Power Outage Procedures, and emergency planning for homecare patients

Here at Wave Healthcare, our patients are always our priority. It is our aim to ensure patient safety in a homecare environment, and safety in the event of an emergency. This includes electrical blackouts, as power outages can pose a serious threat to those who rely on at-home medical devices. 

It is important crucial that the families we serve remain prepared for sudden loss of power. Having a plan in place can be lifesaving. Follow the steps below to ensure you’re ready for a blackout.

For more information, check out this article by the Baylor College of Medicine. 

We encourage all of the families we serve to download and print the handouts below.

These documents provide standard information on making your home safe for your little ones, plus instructions to follow if you ever need to evacuate your home in case of an emergency. 

If you do not currently see the PDF files below, please try refreshing the page. Thank you.

How to Make Your Home Safe for Medical Care

Emergency Preparedness Plan