Respironics Millennium O2 Concentrator

PDF Instruction Manual & Instructional Video

The oxygen concentrator is a device that produces concentrated oxygen from room air to deliver a prescribed flow of oxygen at home. This stationary oxygen machine plugs into an electrical outlet. 

View and download the Respironics Millennium O2 Concentrator PDF instruction manual below. If you do not immediately see the document, please try refreshing the page. Scroll further to watch the Instructional Videos.

Wave Healthcare utilizes a number of different oxygen concentrators to meet our patients’ needs.

All of our various concentrator units have the same general setup and guidelines for use and troubleshooting. In this video, we utilize the Everflo O2 Concentrator to discuss the alarms and lights on oxygen concentrators. You will find the same alarms and lights apply to other concentrator machines, as well.

Overview & Troubleshooting

Chapter Breakdown

0:00 – Intro

0:24 – Oxygen Concentrator Overview

1:29 – Setting Up Your Concentrator with a Nasal Cannula

3:34 – Setting Up Your Concentrator with a Ventilator

4:10 – Using Your Oxygen Concentrator

5:29 – Troubleshooting

Alarms & Lights

Chapter Breakdown

0:00 – Intro

0:16 – Green light indicates your unit is functioning properly

0:22 – If the alarm is beeping constantly and none of your lights are on

1:07 – If your red light is on continuously and your alarm is beeping continuously

1:46 – If all three lights are continuously illuminated and your alarm is constantly beeping

2:09 – If your yellow light is continuously illuminated, you have a red blinking light, and you have a periodic alarm

3:00 – If your yellow light is illuminated continuously and your alarm is NOT beeping at all